Unlock insights into fund performance with PitchBook Benchmarks

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PitchBook Custom Benchmarks feature showing funds by fund type, vintage, IRR, TVPI, etc.

Bring timely, transparent fund data into your analysis

Zero in on constituent funds, investments those funds have made and individual fund performance with PitchBook Benchmarks. Gain access to granular fund performance data including IRR, Horizon IRR, TVPI, Called Percentage, PME, and quartile rankings. Our robust benchmarking methodology and timely fund returns bring accurate data to the forefront when you need it most.

Leverage analyst insights to stay ahead of fund performance and trends

Developed by our industry-leading PitchBook Institutional Research Group, The Benchmark Report aggregates strategic fund performance across a variety of metrics and vintage years. PitchBook clients have access to the 9,000+ underlying funds that make up the report’s dataset. From pooled IRRs to public market equivalents (PME), benchmarks give users the data they need to evaluate fund and strategy performance. Each quarter, the report is accompanied by analyst commentary featured in the Global Fund Performance and Private Fund Strategies Reports.

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Leverage analyst insights to stay ahead of fund performance and trends
Oak Investment Partners XII PitchBook profile showing deal sizes, age of investments and fund investment strategy.

Discover the right benchmark for your strategy

Find a strategy from a selection of curated benchmarks. PitchBook Benchmarks are derived from the largest universe of private market data, including information on portfolio construction, industry, size, vintage year, and more across 80,000+ individual funds.

View the latest fundraising trends, aggregate net cash flows by asset class, AUM and dry powder growth. Discover which deals are driving fund performance with comprehensive information on millions of VC and PE deals, including type, deal multiples and more.

PitchBook Custom Benchmarks feature using a custom peer group including fund type, size, etc.

Customize and compare multiple benchmarks

Easily create a single benchmark or multiple benchmarks based on custom peer groups—including by fund type, category, size, location, and vintage year. Benchmark funds by IRR, cash flow multiples and hurdle rates. With Custom Benchmarks on fund profiles, you can now quickly access a benchmark from a fund of interest and compare it against its peer group.

PitchBook’s benchmarks in Excel format showing IRR by vintage year.

Streamline existing workflows

PitchBook’s benchmarks are delivered in PDF and Excel formats, allowing you to reconstruct and create personalized reports that fit existing workflow. Create detailed charts, graphs and pivot tables with just a few clicks to easily compare metrics like IRR, TVPI, DPI and RVPI.

“PitchBook Data helps us build benchmarks that ultimately drive decisions.”

—Analyst, Medium Enterprise Professional Services Company

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