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Hedge fund data for assessing allocation opportunities with confidence

Learn how to leverage PitchBook’s performance and operational hedge fund data to elevate your portfolio strategy

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What you can research

Counts are updated daily
  • 24771 Hedge funds
  • 90% of funds with NAV
  • 90% of funds with returns since inception
  • 96% of funds have domicile & strategy

What you can research

Counts are updated daily
  • 24771 Hedge funds
  • 90% of funds with NAV
  • 90% of funds with returns since inception
  • 96% of funds have domicile & strategy

Our hedge fund data, provided in collaboration with Morningstar, supplies an accurate and comprehensive view into both individual funds and the larger hedge fund market landscape, providing you with the insights and information you need to conduct fund comparison and strategy analysis with confidence.

With PitchBook’s robust hedge fund data, LPs and other asset allocators can discover capital allocation opportunities and benchmark prospects effectively. Through leveraging performance and operational data for hedge funds alongside public and private financial information, allocators can efficiently understand a fund’s strategy and performance—all in one place.

Explore fund performance across all private market asset classes in our latest Global Fund Performance report

From detailing performance data across all private fund strategies to exploring past trends and future expectations, the quarterly Global Fund Performance report provides a comprehensive view of fund performance.

Download report

Assess hedge fund performance data and discover new investment opportunities

Effectively compare hedge fund strategies

Access consistent hedge fund data for comparative analysis and harness PitchBook’s tables and charting features to evaluate fund performance.

PitchBook fund profile showing Gabelli & Partners' hedge fund strategies.

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