Our global data: Funds

Get granular information on funds—from investments and dry powder to IRR and cash flow multiples.

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What you can research

Counts are updated daily
  • 115572 Funds
  • 38697 Venture capital funds
  • 25339 Private equity funds
  • 5124 Private debt funds
  • 15272 Real assets funds
  • 1400 Fund of funds

What you can research

Counts are updated daily
  • 115572 Funds
  • 38697 Venture capital funds
  • 25339 Private equity funds
  • 5124 Private debt funds
  • 15272 Real assets funds
  • 1400 Fund of funds

Across 115572 global funds,

PitchBook makes it easy to discover meaningful data with filtering options that include:

Get key information

See the size, target, dry powder, vintage year, domicile and other important details across thousands of fund profiles, including nearly 9,000 hedge funds. You can also check how much capital the fund manager has called from LPs, distributions and fundraising history.

PitchBook fund profile showing Carlyle Partners IV's general information, including dry power and called capital.

Examine investments

Gain insight into the companies a fund has invested in, the size and type of the investments and the lead partner associated with each deal. You can also see investments by industry, deal type, company stage and geography.

PitchBook fund profile showing analytics for CVC European Equity Partners VII’s deal sizes and age of investments.

“PitchBook helps us find more accurate information, like contact, investor and fund information, or anything related to the investor and company information. This intel has helped us gain more specific knowledge leading to even happier clients.”

—Andre Farahmandi, Generational Equity

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