PitchBook Citation Guidelines

PitchBook Citation Requirements

The Basics

    PitchBook data, graphics, analyst quotes, and other material must always be attributed to PitchBook (see specifics below).

    The ‘B’ in PitchBook must be capitalized in every use.

    Material pulled from PitchBook.com must link back to the source along with an attribution to PitchBook.

    All excerpts must be lifted verbatim and appear accurately with all relevant context. Paraphrasing is not permitted.

    All content types must be less than 12 months old or labeled with report publish date if older than 12 months.

    Neither PitchBook data nor PitchBook research may be used to criticize a party’s competitor or to endorse a firm, vendor, product, or service.

    The PitchBook logo is a trademark and service mark of PitchBook Data Inc. and may only be used after securing permission.

    If PitchBook discovers improper attribution or inaccurate data, party must promptly, upon receiving notice from PitchBook, remove the citation. And, if PitchBook requests, party must promptly issue a correction.

The Specifics

    Data and Numbers: Data, such as numbers pulled from PitchBook company profiles or advanced searches provided by PitchBook analysts, must be attributed to PitchBook in the text and below associated graphs and charts.

    Attribution examples:

    1. “…according to PitchBook Data, Inc.”
    2. (Below graph) “Source: PitchBook Data, Inc.”

    Graphics: To include a graphic or table from a published research report or article, it must be shown in its entirety without any changes to the graphic. Minor stylistic changes, like changes to color and font, to match a publication’s style guide are permitted.

    Attribution examples:

    1. (Below graph) “Source: PitchBook Data, Inc.” 

    Reports and News & Analysis Articles: Quotes, excerpts, data, references, and graphics must be properly attributed to the research or article published on PitchBook.com. PitchBook-published research reports may not be hosted on external websites without permission. Reports and news articles may not be republished in their entirety without prior approval from PitchBook. Upon approval, articles must be lifted verbatim with proper attribution to article author and include the disclaimer “Article originally appeared on PitchBook.com”

    Attribution examples:

    1. “According to PitchBook’s Q2 2020 US Private Equity Breakdown…”
    2. “PitchBook analysts found…in recent Q2 2020 US Private Equity Breakdown.”

    Self-Conducted Platform Searches: For charts, lists and datapoints resulting from advanced PitchBook Platform searches without input or oversight from PitchBook analysts, attribution must include a disclaimer that data has not been reviewed by PitchBook analysts. Disclaimers must be included in the methodology as well as immediately under charts, lists, or data references in copy.

    Attribution examples:

    1. “PitchBook Data, Inc.; *Data has not been reviewed by PitchBook analysts.”

    Leveraged Data & Commentary: LCD is the industry standard for leveraged loan data, news, analysis and indexes, providing coverage across the full lifecycle of loans. The leveraged loan market data provider has been acquired by PitchBook. Data sourced from LCD must be attributed to LCD and PitchBook.

    Attribution examples:

    1. “…according to LCD, a part of PitchBook”
    2. (Below graph) “Source: LCD, a part of PitchBook”

    Questions? Send an email to pr@pitchbook.com.