Our global data: Advisors

Discover more about advisors active in VC, PE and M&A—including the deals they've done, the clients they serve and the people on their team.

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What you can research

Counts are updated daily
  • 83827 Advisors
  • 6082 Investment banks
  • 17259 Law firms
  • 10339 Auditors and accounting firms
  • 8941 Management consultants
  • 1879 Placement agents

What you can research

Counts are updated daily
  • 83827 Advisors
  • 6082 Investment banks
  • 17259 Law firms
  • 10339 Auditors and accounting firms
  • 8941 Management consultants
  • 1879 Placement agents

Across 83827 global advisors,

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PitchBook advisor profile showing KPMG's firm information, including service breakdown and contact information.

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PitchBook data showing JP Morgan’s affiliates, with highlight on JPMorgan Mid Cap IT.

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